Thursday, April 21, 2016

If You Build It

Design is more than just seeing something in a different way or creating something. Design can do so much more specifically, it can be a form of advocacy. The movie "If You Build It" is a great example of this. In the movies, design is used to bring a poor, rundown town together. Most of the kids in Bertie, North Carolina do not like school and most of the kids do not graduate. The kids do not go onto to further their education. Two designers start a new program at the local high school that is very hands on and teaches the students about design. This class allows students to think creatively while also helping out the community as a whole. The class designed and built a farmers market for their town. This was something that the town continued to back and it brought the town closer together. This farmers market then led to more businesses coming to town and it supplied more jobs for the community. This one building is helping turn this town around. All of this was because of design. The community took to this idea of the farmers market because it was though of by other community members. Design can be thought of as advocacy because something is always created for a specific purpose. The purpose changes from object to object. Design can change not only one person's life, but it can change an entire community. Design advocacy is successful because the people using the design really back the idea. It is something they want and can use. It can make big changes for people and it excites them.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Designer Profiles 11 & 12

11. Rebekah Ratke

Rebekah is a professor in the school of interiors at the University of Kentucky. When enrolling in school she decided to start in interior design before finally getting a masters in architecture from the Art Institute of Chicago. Rebekah also takes part in the Live Learn Studio on campus. This is a study where the researchers ask the feelings of students about all of the construction going on around campus. Rebekah explained how interior design is more than furnishing a room, it is more about the people because you have to work with that person to design something that they will love and connect with. She is very optimistic that design will help continue to change the world in the future. She also thinks that new technologies will help this change in design.

12. Anne Filson

Anne is from the school of architecture. She is an art history major but also went to grad school in New York for architecture. Once Anne graduated, she moved to the Netherlands where she worked for Rem Koolhaas. She has been involved in many cool projects. For example, she helped design the Seattle Public Library and the Netherlands Embassy in Berlin. She is currently working on a project that makes 3D print furniture. This machine they are working on takes design and then cuts out the furniture pieces to make this design. This is also what Anne thinks design is heading toward. She believes that this idea of 3D printing will play a huge part in design in the future. It is cool how she talked about this new technology, and it very well could be the design of the future.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Design Autobiography

Designer Profiles 9 & 10

9. Adriane Grumbein

Adriane is a professor at the University of Kentucky where she teaches creative advertising and strategic communication. She originally went to school in Texas where she majored in marketing and minored in design. She has a done a lot of work for trade shows and other clients. She deals with a lot of advertising and info graphs for clients. She told us her feelings on design and art. She says these things are very different because "design is problem solving" and "art is evoking a feeling." She also gave us a lot of advice that I feel was the most "real" out of all the speakers. She told us about how we will not always love everything we do for clients because we do not have as much creative freedom in those situations. I thought this was useful because it seemed like she was telling us the problems that most people will not. She was just preparing us for the real world. In the future, Adriane sees design moving more towards big data and personalization. Design is being personalized to different specifics for each client.

10. Mitzi Vernon

Mitzi is the dean for the school of design at the university of Kentucky.  She has been through a lot of different schooling to get where she is at today. She has traveled all around the United States to both study and teach at different universities such as Stanford, Virginia Tech, Arizona State, and now she finds herself at the University of Kentucky. She has a masters in architecture and has completed many free lance projects while at Arizona State University.. Mitzi believes that "all things are good exercises." This is why Mitzi has worked in several different places and is always willing to try new things. When asked about what is next for design, Mitzi described the idea of "design thinking." This has been around forever to designers, but it is becoming more prevalent in the world outside of design. More people are learning about this idea of looking at something in a different way. This idea is becoming more embedded in society today. This idea will only continue to grow throughout society.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Designer Profiles 7 & 8

7. Melody Jackson

Melody is an architect and professor at the University of Kentucky. She came to school for pre-medicine because she enjoyed the math and sciences. However, she also really enjoyed drawing and sketching, specifically Scottish Castles. She decided to switch to architecture because she could combine her love of drawing with her love of math and science. She has done many cool designs in architecture, but her favorite one was designing her own house. She now teaches first year design students at the University. During her presentation she preached the idea that, "design is a journey." There is always design in everything and it will always follow you wherever life leads you. As for the future in design, Melody sees and increase in the use of virtual reality and holographic projection. Both of these would be helpful in showing a client exactly what the design will look like in the future.

8. Lindsey Fay

Lindsey is a professor in the school of interiors at the University of Kentucky. She had an early interest in design because she would like to draw creative places. She originally came to UK to study dietetics and nutrition, but then realized she wanted more creative freedom, so she changed her major to design. For her job she does follow ups on newly completed projects. She goes in about 6 months after the new space is open and makes sure it is running effectively and efficiently. She has designed many homes and picked the exterior and interior design for these homes, much like you see on the reality television shows. Lindsey is also the university representative for Habitat for Humanity. She helps students be creative in building these homes while also helping out others in need. This also ties into where she thinks design is heading in the future. She thinks design is evolving more around the idea of social responsibility. Design can be used to help others and change their lives. Every design has a purpose and these purposes can make the world a better place.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Designer Profile 5 & 6

5. Ryan Hargrove

Ryan is a Landscape Architect who now teaches at the University of Kentucky. He grew up with a mom who was an art teacher, so she always challenged him to be creative and think outside of the box. He was always into art and sciences and one day he fell upon landscape architecture, which is a great combination of both. He has worked on several projects in Louisville, Kentucky and has helped planned an upcoming gardening center in a local park. Ryan thinks social equality is an issue in design so he likes to go to less fortunate communities and do these projects to help change the equality. When asked about where design is going, he said people need to teach design specifically, "Knowing how to see the world." This is why Ryan is now a professor at the University of Kentucky because he wants to teach this while building relationships with students.

6. Sarah Daley

Sarah is an interpretive designer for 21st Century Park, which is a nonprofit organization. She attended the University of Kentucky where she majored in architecture and minored in anthropology. At 21st Century Park  she collects info of parkland and then has to come up with a way to share this information with the public. The coolest job she has had was for the Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois where she had to design where all of the physical aspects of each exhibit go. She is in charge of the layout of the rooms. She thinks design is only going to get better and it will always be around. Sarah said, "There is no field that can;t benefit from design." This is true because everything uses design in one way or another. She also sees design evolving even more through all of the new technology.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Designer Profile 3 & 4

3. Scarlet Wesley

Scarlet is a professor at the University of Kentucky where she teaches retail tourism with specifics in merchandising and textiles. She got her degree in marketing from the University of Tennessee along with a minor in fashion merchandising. She worked in the allocation and planning department for Ames and then followed that with a job at Lego toys before finally turning to teaching. Some helpful advice she gave us is to approach work with the mindset of, "what can I take away from here?" I thought this was helpful because at first, you will not always get your dream job, so you should approach your current job in a way that can make you a better person. She also taught us how brands are very influential in the world and I could relate to this. I used to be a person who was focused more on the brand of clothing I was wearing than the actual design and price of it. It was cool to be able to relate to what she talked about in her presentation.

4. Ebrahim Poustinchi

Ebrahim is a faculty of interiors at the University of Kentucky. His main focuses are in architecture and digital design. He is very into robotics and using them in design. In fact he has used many different forms of robotics and digital designs at UCLA and Washington State University. I think this way of design is gonna be more relevant in the near future because society is gravitating towards new technology. The most important thing I took away from Ebrahim's presentation was when he said,"You don't need skills, it's more about the way you think." I thought this was cool because someone can have amazing ideas, but they may not have the skills to make this vision happen, this does not make them any less important. They can share these ideas and let people with the skills help them create this vision.